Pony Zone, Cadance Chrysalis Edition (ft
The Pony Zone is a completely safe and controlled environment. Please sign this waiver. DOWNLOAD: INSTRUMENTAL: Series started by Geekbrony: After a decisive victory in a character vote on the channel a while back, I present the Cadance Chrysalis Pony Zone, loaded with dialogue, references, and of course, LEWD. This marks the first case of property damage in the Pony Zone, I think. So Yay I guess LYRICS: Welcome, to the Pony Zone. Your lust and love for sultry mares Its what keeps this place alive Giving them, your love and care The Zone of lewd and fantasy Fulfillment of my greatest dreams Its perfect for a love queen Uh, princess Whatever Lets just get to the point, Im the princess of love, you want me So, how about we do this,