The Truth Of The World, , SPN Cast
:::: Please Read, it s important :::: Let me tell you something about this project. Sony Vegas was a fcking pain in the ass. I don t know how often I rendered this (I lost count). So I m really really sorry for the editing, I know it sucks. But I seriously can t render it again. I just can t. Alright, this is for all of you guys As I started out as a vidder I d have never thought that such an amount of people in this world could be interested in what I m doing So this literally pushes me in ways you can t even imagine Thank you all so much for making me feel like I m good at something. There are a few people I d like to mention specifically. Liz My cherrie pie If someone would have told me that I m gonna meet a person that s going to become one of the most important persons in my life, on youtube, I d have call them nuts. All I can say to that today, is that