Zodiac Killer Paul Avery On ZODIAC
KRONTV News footage from October 31st 1970 featuring an interview with journalist Paul Avery (19342000), who has just received a Halloween card from the Zodiac killer, mailed to the offices of the San Francisco Chronicle on October 27th. Even though this card included the phrase: Peek a boo you are doomed Avery states that: I think that the Zodiac is just making an idle threat. .. I think he wanted to get himself a little When the Ch. 4 reporter asks: What kind of a person do you think the Zodiac is Avery goes on to provide a basic character assessment of this already notorious murderer: Well obviously he s a very sick person. .. He s very cunning too. He s not a brilliant man but he s certainly, he certainly isn t dumb. I think he s got a kind of a shrewd, animal cunning to him. And of course there s a great sickness in there that prompts him to go out and Note that according to the original Ch. 5 KPIXTV shot log