Re Mix Mini Series Blocks, 19 , 20 Tutorials
Welcome back to my sewing room In this video I show you how to make Block, 19 and Block, 20 for the ReMix Mini Series using my PRIM QUILT Sew Simple Shapes and my easy applique method. Episode One ReMix Mini Series was the introduction for this sew along which included tutorials for Blocks, 1 and, 2 along with the tutorial for preparing the background the tutorial for the 12 star and the stems. Each month I designed two new 6 appliqué blocks using different templates from my different sets of Sew Simple Shapes. Each 6 block will go into the center of the 12 star. There are now 20 blocks in the quilt and the quilt will measure 74 x 88 I hope you enjoyed this series and this tutorial making the twenty cute 6 applique blocks with me The two blocks have been a free release included within the Riley Blake Designs Monthly Newsletter that comes to your email on the 3rd I did the tutori