Senator Richard Black on Deep State, American Corruption Herland Report with Hanne Nabintu Herland
Herland Report TV host, Hanne Herland speaks with US Senator Richard Black about endless wars, the military complex, Syria, Libya, corruption and the prospects of world peace. SUBSCRIBE: Senator Richard H. Black is a Vietnam veteran, former prosecutor US Army and director at the Pentagon. , RichardBlack, HerlandReport, ForeignPolicy, EndlessWar, AmericanCorruption, DeepState, CoupD etat, SenatorRichardBlack, HanneNabintuHerland Richard Black s impressive track record cover a career as a military officer and colonel, a pilot with US Marines in Vietnam, then going through law school, working as a prosecutor with the US Army, and retiring from the military and the Pentagon in 1994. From then on, he embarked on a political career, and became a wellrespected US Senator with remarkable knowledge and understanding of the world outside the US.