Terminator 1. 2. 3 Cast Then and now 2023 How they changed
, terminator, movie, thenandnow, shorts, arnold Attention : Janelle Voight is thankfully alive And Leslie Hamilton Gearren has sadly passed away This information is correct and it is wrong in the video Thanks to the friends who informed I apologize for the mistake Love you ALL Michael Biehn Kyle Reese 1984 1984 28 2023 67 Rick Rossovich Matt Buchanan 1984 1984 27 2023 65 Arnold Schwarzenegger Terminator 1984 1984 37 2023 76 Bess Motta Ginger Ventura 1984 1984 26 2023 65 Lance Henriksen Detective Hal Vuk 1984 1984 44 2023 83 William Wisher Jr. Policeman, 1 1984 1984 26 2023 65 Linda Hamilton Sarah Connor 1984 1984 28 2023 67 Earl Boen Dr. Silberman 1984 1984 39 2023 77 Paul Wi