Guapdad 4000 x Denzel Curry Lil Scammer That Could UK Drill Remix ( Beat Stars Challenge)
Guapdad 4000 x Denzel Curry Lil Scammer That Could UK Drill Remix (BeatStars Challenge) This is a UK Drill remix of the track Guapdad 4000 x Denzel Curry Lil Scammer That Could. You can send me acapellas to my mail and I can remix for you You can listen or buy the beat separately from the remix here Original Track: Stream here: Stream Platinum Falcon Tape, Vol. 1: Stream Dior Deposits : Follow Guapdad 4000: Follow Denzel Curry: Director, Editor: Chris Simmons Production Company: New Edge Cinema Produced by James Delgado: , Guapdad4000, DenzelCurry, L