Shes sitting motionless beside the road, crying in pain for days people passby but no one help
She s sitting motionless beside the road, crying in pain for days people pass by but no one help Subscribe: We have had reports of this poor dog that was hit by a vehicle a couple of days ago and can t move her back legs. She has clearly just given birth and is probably in distress at not being able to find her puppies. Thanks rescuer: Dumaguete Animal Sanctuary Donations can be made easily via Gcash Christine Askew 0905 4949 030 or through these other options below: 1. Direct automatic transfer to our BDO account. Name Dumaguete Animal Sanctuary Inc. Account 008040106368 (for overseas donations you will need the swift code BNORPHMMXXX ) , dogs, ,animals, ,themoho, You Love Animal Videos Subscribe To Us Here: Follow us: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: w