9 Nostalgia Critic
Go to use promo code NOSTALGIA to claim your special offer today This film has grown a bit of a following, so how come so many people both remember it and don t remember it at the same time Nostalgia Critic takes a look at why this film is so forgettably unforgettable. Let s take a look at Shane Acker s, 9. Support this week s charity Watch more Nostalgia Critic here Follow us on Twitch 9 is a 2009 computeranimated postapocalyptic action film directed by Shane Acker, written by Pamela Pettler and produced by Jim Lemley, Tim Burton, Timur Bekmambetov and Dana Ginsburg. The film stars the voice of Elijah Wood as a small ragdolllike robot who awakens shortly after the end of mankind, and must find eight other robots to figure out the mystery behind humanity s destruction while tangling with the vicious creations of a massive soulstealing machine, alongside other voices of John C. Reilly, Jenni