Brain Gym Exercises for Improving Focus Concentration by Ascent Abacus Brain Gym Students
BRAIN GYM EXERCISES BY ASCENT ABACUS STUDENTS INCLUDE NECK ROLLS, THINKING CAPS, LAZY EIGHT, BELLY BREATHING, CROSS CRAWLS, BRAIN BUTTONS HOOK UPS which have tremendous effect on positive energy, concentration, focus, reasoning analytical skills, reading comprehension skills of any individual especially children. One Stop Solution for IQ Improvement Ascent Abacus Brain Gym is an Educational Organization working for the techniques to improve IQ, Concentration Focus among children mainly in the age group of 3. 5 to 18 years through its various time tested and proven track record programs for the last 14 years. The team is headed by Nationally Internationally acclaimed faculty offering an incredible teaching methodology with strategic energized endless research making its program powerful and result oriented day in and day out. With 6 Limca records 2013 2017 World Memory Champion 201415 APJ Abdul Kalam Ignite Awards 2017