How I Paint Things Contrast: WWII German Grenadiers
If you re painting goblins, guardsmen or the like, Citadel s range of Contrast paints are a great tool for getting goodlooking results quickly. But what about something more historical than Space Marines and Stormcast READ MORE: In my eversohumble opinion, I think they re a great tool with a lot of potential use in the historical wargaming space. To my mind, there s three typical styles when one thinks of painting miniatures: toy soldiers, Hollywood, or display pieces. Typically, I tend to find most wargamers sit somewhere toward the center of the Hollywood look mostly accurate, with a handful of deliberate errors or omissions that make painting simpler or save money on a couple of paints These Contrast paints definitely lean a little further toward the toy soldier look, but I don t think that need be a terrible thing, especially considering how quickly you can get painted miniatures on the table. Ultimately, it all looks better than grey plastic and b