Wendigo Forest Ambience
6 hour version is where things A loud, but distant Elk call cut Ranger McCoy off. Me: There s Elk here I didn t see them on the list Ranger McCoy (Noticeably Shaken): That s because their isn t. Me: But that s definitely an Ranger McCoy: Listen, I see I m not gonna change your mind, so just follow the green trail blazes. It should take about 2 days to hike, wolves used to be spotted along that trail. Do NOT wander too far off the trail. It s real easy to get turned around in there. If you need anything use that Walkie. I m Channel 2, the Station is Channel 1. Me: Okay, but Ranger McCoy (Now walking away): The green trail starts there. Oh, and the Red Trail is closed, I don t give a shit what the Governor says. Right before he walked back into the office he paused. Ranger McCoy: No fires, no lights, and stay in your tent until dawn. No matter what br, br,