Turtles Flute: Learn English ( US) with subtitles Story for Children
Turtle, a gifted flutist, is trapped by a greedy man. How will she escape now Get our FREE App for Android: and for iOS: Subscribe for new videos every week : subconfirmation1 More English (US) AniBooks: Similar AniBooks: Turtle s Flute A Brazilian folktale Once upon a time, on the banks of a river, Turtle played her flute. When Turtle played, lions, elephants, butterflies, snakes and monkeys danced to Turtle s music. One day, a man heard Turtle s music. Ahh, he thought. That must be Turtle making music. Turtle would taste very good right So he called out: Turtle Show me your beautiful Turtle slowly walked to the door and held out her flute. But the moment the man saw Turtle, he grabbed her by the neck and began to run. Turtle tried to cr