Anthony in the Tombs ( Chronicles of the Desert, Ep. 1)
, desertfathers, chroniclesofthedesert The first episode from our Chronicles of the Desert series begins just outside of the village of Coma, Egypt around the year AD 270, when a man named Anthony leaves the world behind for a life of asceticism in the desert. This account, adapted from the classic book The Life of St. Anthony by St. Athanasius, tells of Anthonys earliest encounters with the devil and evil spirits. While we all aren t called to the desert, Anthony s struggle does offer us an example of how we can counter our own passions and external temptations through prayer, fasting, and vigilance. More videos about Saint Anthony the Great, the desert fathers, and monks from Mount Athos, the Northern Thebaid of Russia, and beyond coming soon ROMANIAN Subtitles graciously provided by Mihai Lita. 1. SUPPORT: If you enjoy our videos, please consider supporting our effort on Patreon. Patreon PayPal: 2. SUBSCRI