World Trade Union Conference (1949)
Thought to be Selected Originals from late 1940s material. County Hall, London. LV GV interior County Hall. Monsieur Finet in chair. MV GV delegates. MV Top table with Finet, Bullock (Chairman of the TUC General Council) and J W Bowen (Chair of LCC London County Council). MV. Arthur Deakin (T GWU), Tom O Brien MP (General Secretary of NATKE), Lincoln Evans (Chair of TUC) and Sir William Lawther (Member of Trade Union Congress and of AngloAmerican Council of Productivity). CU Evans and Lawther pan to O Brien. MV American delegates. SV American delegates. Walter Reuther in foreground. SV Delegates from Mauritius. Delegates from India. CU Delegate from Barbados. MV Delegates from Japan. MV German delegates. MV Chairman introducing Mr Bullock, Chairman of the General Council. MV Delegates on left at top table. LV GV conference with Bullock speaking. CU Bollock speaking. MS Trinidad delegates listening. MS Indian delegate leaning forward in seat. MV Elevated shot Bullock speaking. LS GV audie