Max Payne 3 Multiplayer Gameplay: Part One ( English), Design and Technology Series (2012)
LIKE US on , FOLLOW US on The first video in a special twopart series unveiling Max Payne 3 Multiplayer. In the video above see how Max Payne 3 Multiplayer brings the franchise s combination of highly responsive and cinematic shooting action to the realm of online multiplayer across a range of game modes, the implementation of Max s signature Bullet Time special ability and how we utilized the thirdperson perspective allowing players to connect with a character they can see while still retaining full fluid control during gunplay. ABOUT THIS GAME Max Payne 3 unveiling more of the game s story, beginning with the kidnapping of Rodrigo Branco s beautiful young wife, Fabiana, while under Max s protection. Max fights to uncover the truth and return her to safety amidst a treacherous web of lawless street gangs, ruthless paramilitary units and his own personal demons. Developed b br, br,