Lily Moore Summer ( Official Music Video)
Listen to Before I Change My Mind, Again EP here: Subscribe here , lilymoore and hit the to enable alerts CREDITS Director: Sergio Jaen sergiojaeen Producer: Sergio Jaen sergiojaeen Production Company: fomostudios 1st AD: Ethan Elliott ethyweathy Director of Photography: Willow Bidwell willowbidwell 1st AC: Louis Berman louisdpfilm 2nd AC: Marzio Bonanni praytherain Camera Trainee: Louis Tu louistu Gaffer: Federico Belloli Spark: Ian Blackburn typicalianblax Production Designer: Georgia Marshall georgiamarshalldesigns Set Builder: Komodo Carpentry komodocarpentry Art Assistant: Kuki Colabona Art Assistant: Alisha Kulshrestha alishakulshrestha Art Assistant: Carolina Andres carooli Art Assistant: Ettiene Scott etiennescott Runner: Ariadna Faviola Alzuru Photographer: Aaron Hammond Duncan aaronhd HM