Youngsters At Speed (1959)
Title reads: Youngsters at Speed. Holland and Germany. Soapbox Derby in Amersfoort, Holland (Netherlands). Various shots of boys competing in soapbox car (gocart) race down crowd lined streets. The boys wear goggles and helmets. They start the race on a ramp at top of a slope. Flaps go down on ramp and soap box cars go away from start. Various shots of race intercut with shots of crowd (mainly kids). C, U boys in crowd looking anxious as one soap box crashes. Kids run to help crash victim. Policeman picks up crashed soapbox to take it off roadway, boy walks away unhurt. M, S winner crossing the line. The winner being 12 years old and he drove at a speed of 25 Small girl (Junior Miss Holland) walks forward to kiss winner sitting in his car. C, U winner standing by new bicycle (the prize). Model plane championship in Manching, Germany. Various shots men launching their model aeroplanes, including boomerang type of plane. Various shots men making planes do tricks using radio control