Developing 35mm Color Film at Home: Tetenal Colortec C 41 ( Snippet 30)
People have been recommending we start developing film at home for so long and we ve heard you in the comments and are so grateful for that extra push to try something new Before we got started, Lou did a lot of research and with the help of great video s like our friend Ed s he was able to figure out which supplies we would need to build our little home development station. We haven t made a film video in a long time as we were a bit frustrated with having to outsource this part of the process and are so happy that we finally got around to figuring out how to own the full process now. It s cheaper, more fun, and you have way more control of the end result. We also put up a blog post with a bunch of the photos from this roll so if you want to see them check out We re so inspired to get back out into Berlin and start shooting film again, so stay tuned because February we h