Students of Dr York Galactic Family of Life Class 18 ( Field Trip to Venus)
This Tape is Field Trip to Venus The Young Elder go in again. Field Trip to Venus Lahamu called Venus by Earthman is the Twin planet to Earth. Venus is the second planet from the is 67 million miles from the sun verses Earth being 93 million miles away from the sun. It is 24 million miles from Earth at its closest and at its farest about 162 millions miles away. Its about a thousand miles less than circumference of Earth being 23, 628. Venus look similar to Earth but with some differences. We have been taught that Venus is not habited because it is to hot. This is so far from the truth. Nasa show us a picture of Venus cover with lava and Volcanoes to mislead is concealed underneath two layers of thick clouds, this double cloud envelope prevents the inhabitants of the world from viewing the stars, the sun, or the other planets. This resulted in an extremely bent or out of shape view of the planet by the inhabitants of the southern hemisphere. Venus is mostly a tropical planet resembling