Litter In Libya (1941)
Item title reads Litter in Libya. M, S as the camera pans across German and Italian equipment left in retreat, they include books, boxes, guns, hand grenades and chess pieces. Two Indian soldiers hold up nazi flag with holes in it. M, S of another looking at big biscuit. One allied soldier looks at picture of Adolf Hitler and laughs. Another looks at a gun, others examine naval guns and trucks. Prisoners of war get into the trucks. They walk along at a station in Cairo and through the streets to concentration camps. Various shots of the royal naval fleet in the waters off Libya. M, S as an airman puts his boots and jacket on. The camera pans across bombs which are then loaded onto the planes. An Australian squadron leader gets into his plane. An Australian observer climbs up to his pilot in the cockpit to show him a telegram telling him he is now the father of twin boys back home, they laugh and shake hands as the pilot congratulates him. The aeroplanes taxi and take off. The Blenheims and Maryl