How I Paint My SPACE MARINE Characters, IRON HANDS, Horus Heresy
In this video Henry paints up one of the greatest characters in the Horus Heresy, Shadrak Smyth , horusheresy, ironhands , paintingwarhammer 00:00 Intro 00:20 subassemblies 02:22 Armour 11:15 Leather 20:30 Cloak 23:30 Face 26:30 Final results and reflections Paints Used: GW Shyish Purple GW Dark Angels Green GW Iron Warriors GW Eshin Grey GW Mephiston Red GW Black Templar GW Ratling Grime GW Steel Legion Drab GW Rhinox Hide GW Rakarth Flesh GW Cadian Fleshtone S75 African Shadow VMC Black VMC Hull Red MCS Gold S75 Decayed Metal S75 Necro Gold S75 Elven Gold GW: Games Workshop VMC: Vallejo model colour VMA: Vallejo model air VGC: Vallejo game colour VGA: Vallejo game air VMCS: Vallejo metal colour series S75: Scale 75 AK: AK Interactive W N: Winsor Newton PATREON COMMISSIONS AIRBRUSHES Affiliate link DISCORD WEBSITE Wet Palette used Paint brushes used Music: Readers Do You Read by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license Source: Artist: