US President Roosevelt gives well received speech at the Dominion Houses of Parliament
BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Dominion Houses of Parliament hear enthusiastic speech by President Roosevelt. Mary Churchill gives speech in Full Description: GOOD SCENES: CANADA: Ottawa: Big GV pan mass crowds in front of Parliament Buildings on Parliament Hill. Big LTV pan immense mass crowd. CANADA: Quebec: SV pose shot Mary Churchill seated at mikes. CU pose shot Mary then she speaks. SCUFV pose shot Mary then she speaks. S Mary sitting in front of mike then she speaks. SOUND EFFECTS: I welcome this opportunity to greet in Quebec my comrades in the Womens Forces of Canada and the As well as all those other women who, in field and factory, are helping the United Nations on the road to We have never seen before the mobilization of women on such a scale as is going on in so many parts of the world today. A few years ago some people doubted that it cou