MMD NARUTO Shake It Off Sakura, Ino, Hinata, Tenten
i said i was gonna use more the characters i don t use often so here is one video with some of them. enjoy it credits models by NaraShadows, Friends4Never, StekinoMai, MVegeta, ASideOfChidori, ChakraWarrior2012, RosalinaFuji Masashi Kishimoto, Namco Bandai, CC2 motion by むつごろう ( ) and edited by whonaru1 camera by whonaru1 choreography by Jasmine Meakin song by Taylor Swift stages by MVegeta, Masashi Kishimoto, CC2, 糖斯, Fubukid, SEGA, blackSoul1890 ( ) effect GreenerShader (original by Barapi, edited by ChestNutScoop)