Rapid Advance In Libya (1941)
Title reads: Our Rapid Advance in Libya. Libya. Various shots of battleships firing their heavy guns with naval aircraft flying overhead. Various shots of field guns in action in the desert, manned by Australian soldiers. Panning shot following a flight of fleet of Gloster Gladiator aeroplanes. Various good shots of tanks advancing rapidly across the desert. C, U of battered road sign pointing towards Porto Bardia. M, S of Allied soldiers marching past bombed out building. Various shots of abandoned Italian army vehicles and equipment. Aerial shots of thousands of captured Italian soldiers walking across desert. Various shots of Italian prisoners of war being herded about by Allied soldiers. Aerial shot of a Libyan harbour, sunken Italian ships stick out of sea. Various shots of POWs being marched down road near sea. Various shots of Allied soldiers carrying wounded POWs on stretchers onto ship. More shots tanks driving over sand dunes. Various shots of Australian soldiers