Crowsworn Is 10x Better Than Expected Testing The Demo Boss Fight
Today we are checking out the Crowsworn boss fight demo. This is just a boss fight that lets us test out the melee attack, guns, corvian ability and dodging. I backed the game at a high tier to be able to design a Corvian ability. If you want to help me pick which ability should be designed and added to the game, be sure to subscribe Not exactly sure when that will happen as of yet. How to play the Crowsworn demo: This is a Kickstarter backer only demo. You had to back the game at The Curious Bird tier or higher in order to get access to all beta builds, demos. The controls are very tight and it is really fun to play. Everything is here for a truly great game. Be sure to wishlist on steam: Limited edition merch: Become a member to get custom badges and emotes, early access to videos, private discord access and more: