HORSE RACING, ROYAL: French horse wins Derby (1938)
BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Bois Roussel springs dramatic surprise by upsetting all calculations, beating the favourite and winning the world s greatest classic. Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: French Horse Wins Derby ENGLAND: Epsom: EXT CU Epsom Races opened. Semi view grooming horse. CU opening horses mouth. Semi view shoeing horse. CU bandaging fetlock. Semi view horse drinks out of bucket looks up. Gen. view course crowd. Pan from sign Paddock Tote to crowd. CU Aga Khan. Long view King Queen arrive. Semi view King King shake hands with Lord Lonsdale. CU pressman. Semi view Queen Mary arrives King, Queen Lord Lonsdale in bg. Semi view crowd to King Queen with Dukes Duchesses of Kent Gloucester Lord Lonsdale along track. CU King Queen walking behind crowd. Semi view Queen Elizabet