You Are Perfect, , Doctor, Companions
Cause I couldn t get the idea out of my mind. Seriously, it s been nagging and nagging and when I finally sat down to edit it, I was done in about 5 hours. This whole vid stemmed from that opening conversation between Rose and Donna. I love it. And I love how true Rose is: The Doctor is so good at making everyone around him feel like they re brilliant. So I wanted to show lots of his interactions (I m sure I didn t get them all, no matter how hard I tried, lol) with his companions and other people he ran into, showing how he helped them believe in themselves and they, in turn, helped him as well :) Enjoy ps. I don t know why it says this is the explicit version, cause it s NOT. And I would appreciate if you kept your comments G rated, I do NOT like reading curse words, even if they are meant as a