Green fire tetra, Redflank bloodfin, Rathbuns bloodfin, Red belly bloodfin ( Aphyocharax rathbuni)
Known by several names, green fire tetra, red flank bloodfin tetra, Rathbun s bloodfin tetra, and red belly bloodfin tetra, the Aphyocharax rathbuni is a small fish which did great at being part of this community aquarium. Usually they re tightly shoaling among each other rather than being spread individually in the tank. They would school tightly if triggers such as dimming and turning off the light occur. They spawn maybe once a week or two despite my parameters aren t exactly the same as what is suggested, my tanks being 2425C, pH 7. 8, limestone water. Males during spawning sessions would get their colors really pronounced, the base of their dorsal, pelvic and anal fins turning black and the white tips really bright.