Marc Martel: Let Me Entertain You ( Performance, Interview and Multitracks)
Learn more about Marc Martel here: Download the Let Me Entertain You Multitracks here: Watch to learn more about my Top 10 Rock Singers of All Time: Big shout out to those who played along with myself and Marc in the video: Jamie Humphries (Brian May, Queen Extravaganza), Tony Franklin (Roy Harper, The Firm, Jimmy Page), Pete Riley (Republica), and Steve Maggiora (TOTO, Robert Jon The Wreck) Marc Martelis a CanadianChristian rockmusician. He was born inMontreal, Canada, to father Michel Martel and mother Barbara Beresford Martel. He attendedBriercrest College and SeminaryinCaronport, Saskatchewan, where he formed the bandDownherewith his roommate Jason Germain and a few friends in 1999. Aside from his own work, Martel is known for hisQueen covers, and his vocal likeness toFreddie Mercury. In September 2011, Martel en