Military works to destroy WWII cargo and supplies (1946)
GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Cargo and explosives pose danger as the military works to destroy remnants from World War II Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Danger in the Aftermath of War ENGLAND: EXT EXPLOSIONS Shots of ammunition being thrown in to sea off small navelcraft, also shots of Nitramon cordite being put on fine EXPLOSIVE Shots of cordite being burnt, also of ammunition of all kinds being thrown into sea of small navel vessels, Shots of danger sign in field, NAVEL BRITISH. Shots of ammunition of all kinds, being thown in to the atlantic, off small navel craft, military, cargo, weapon, explosive, danger, harm, destroy, offload, overboard, dump, World War Two, Second World War, materials, supplies, WWII, Wold War II, ammunition trains Background: Cargo and explosives pose danger as the military works to destroy remnants from World War II