Mr Eden On Our Policy (1951)
Item title reads Mr Eden on our policy. Anthony Eden, Conservative Secretary of Foreign Affairs, speaks from Foreign Office. London. C, U of Eden seated at desk. M, S as he works then makes a speech: I want to start by reducing the existing tension between East and West, and then I want us to take certain of the specific problems and solve them, problems that now divide the M, S I believe in starting with the smaller problems and then moving on to the greater. The peace we seek is one based on the ideals of the United Nations, on tolerance and goodwill between nations so that men can live their lives without fear. C, U We want our relations with all peoples to be based on consent and free understanding, and we believe that we have the experience to make this ideal a reality. That is the objective I set myself, to win a lasting peace through perseverance and I believe that is the object that all the British people have at FILM A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR O