annashafffer Инстаграм. Анна Шаффер, Трисс Меригольд 16, 11, 2021
Инстаграм. Анна Шаффер, Трисс Меригольд 16, 11, 2021 annashafffer The planet is burning and we have less than a decade to do something about it. I am beyond proud to be a part of canopys call for change, along side some absolute legends The clothes we wear have a direct impact on the rapid climb in climate and our unwanted clothes often end up in landfill while the packaging is decimating our forests. Of course it is our governments and global corporations who need to lead on this, and it can feel overwhelming and sometimes impossible as an individual but we can all make steps, however small, to tackle this head on. Circular is Chic. ESPECIALLY the heavenly two piece Im wearing here made from recycled fabric and the very teeny tiny but mighty hands of my powerhouse sisterinlaw annamstephenson Its time to rethink the way we dress , CircularChic, Forests, COP26 CanopyPlanet, AD