Germany 1940s Airborne Military Paratrooper Luftlandetruppen Fallschirmjäger ( Part 2) Parachutists Deutsche Luftwaffe
Germany 1940s Airborne Military Paratrooper Luftlandetruppen Fallschirmjäger (Part 2) Parachutists training Deutsche Luftwaffe German History Archive During the interwar years the rapid development of aircraft and aviation technology drew the attention of imaginative military planners. The idea of inserting a large body of troops inside enemy territory was first proposed during World War I by commander of the U. S. Air Corps in FranceBrigadier General Billy Mitchell. However the Allied High Command was forced to abandon the idea as it was wholly unprepared for such an undertaking, both logistically and in materiel. Among the first to recognize the potential of airborne forces were Italy and the Soviet Union. The first effective means of supporting massed infantry airborne operations came with the development of the staticline parachute in Italy in the 1920s, whereby parachutes are attached to the inside of the aircraft and deploye