Lucifer Explained: The Origin and Meaning Behind this Fallen Angel
Where does Lucifer, the fallen angel, REALLY come from Aside from Paradise Lost by John Milton, or Foxs TV series of the same name, the Bible is the best bet. Or so youd think. This video explains the origins of this fallen angel. Lucifer is only mentioned once in the Bible, in Isaiah 14:12. But in the original Hebrew, the word Lucifer is absent. In its place, we have helel ben shahar which means shining one, son of morning, a Hebrew word for the morning star, the planet Venus. Somehow the planet Venus became associated with the Devil, and that has much to do with the book of Enoch. A book that features a fallen angel who is kicked out of heaven. Over time, early Christians and Jews came to see Isaiah 14:12 as a veiled reference to a fallen angel. And so, Lucifer (the Latin word for morning star) was born, and became associated with Satan, the Devil, Beezebub and so on I hope that I havent made this too convoluted or unapproachable. The story behind how Lucifer itself is pretty com