Me and That Man Blues Cocaine (feat. Michale Graves)
Get New Man, New Songs, Same Shit, Vol 2 here: Video produced by Roxxy Roxx (roxxyroxx) 2022 Polish tour starts this week Tczew CkiS Goleniów GDK Wrocław Stary Klasztor Płock POKiS Katowice P23 Kraków Hype Park Warszawa Progresja Białystok Zmiana Klimatu Follow Me And That Man: Lyrics: Dear Jesus, I hope youre well I hope you read my letter I sat and tried to write Something supernatural Something that would save my life Anchored by aggression I tried to make decisions I couldn t think of anything to write So I called upon the devil because blessed are the saviours And she touched me and I changed my mind I said, Lord Give me cocaine Give me blues Give me blues and cocaine Lord So I can stand up straight And face Satan like a stone faced killa (I want it, I need it, I want