Catch Feed Pet High Five A Bumble Bee ( Drinks Honey From Hand)
SUBSCRIBE DONATE 7038837785 FACEBOOK Interrupting a Bumble Bees nectar collection to feed it honey, petting it then getting a High Five as thanks. I d call it more of a HIGH SIX because of the sixth leg. After it left, it circled around mapping where I was to return later but I have a life outside playing with insects all the time; had to roll. This is a smaller European drone bumble bee on a nectar gathering task from the queen. I wanted to show how easily it was to attract the interest of a bumblebee using honey. Bumblebees don t make honey but gather pollen for their young and collect nectar for food for themselves. I thought it would be interesting to test whether bumblebees would like bees honey over nectar. I found out