Moving Code to the Data: Analyzing Sea Level Rise Using Earth Data in the Cloud
Nearly a petabyte of NASA s Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center data products have been moved to NASA s Earthdata Cloudhosted in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud. To maximize the full potential of cloud computing on Big Data, one needs to be familiar with not only the data products and their access methods, but also a new set of knowledge that comes with working in a cloud environment. This can be a daunting task for the majority of the science community, who may be familiar with highperformance computing, but not with AWS services. To aid end users in learning and to be successful during this paradigm shift, the team has been exploring pathways toward practical solutions for research groups beyond data access and into data analysis in the cloud. During this webinar, we will share some preliminary findings of this work. We will assume participants have zero knowledge of AWS services and the Earthdata Cloud, and present a stepbystep walkthroug