Steve Reeves 1947 Mr Pacific Coast Competition and Trophy
In this video I present the new Steve Reeves collection I recently acquired. Included is Steve Reeves Weightlifting belt, as well as a Larry Scott autographed photo, and an Arnold Schwarzenegger Statue replica. I am overjoyed Enjoy Check your Testosterone Levels w, the Sponsor of today s video LetsGetChecked: Order now and use code GOLDEN30 for a 30 off Discount Try the Fitness Future App. Go to Hurry Free Trial offer ends Feb. 10th. After that, 1st month trial is 19. Golden Era Bodybuilding Posters at : Silver Era Bodybuilding Gym Wear: Online coaching now available at Purchase your NSP Nutrition supplements at: and use GEB20 for 20 off Join Vince s Gym: Train with Vince Gironda: http