Turkey Day Turn Up The Best of GGN Thanksgiving, GGN NEWS
Опубликовано: 22 нояб. 2017 г. MERRY JANE Tomorrows the big day. The one glorious Thursday of every year when we as a society collectively agree to trade a regular old work day for afternoon football, skip breakfast in favor of a seven hour late lunch, start drinking at noon and smoke as much weed as humanly possible. Needless to say, theres plenty to be thankful for. On this very special Turkey Day episode of GGN, were taking the time to be gracious for Uncle Snoop and his gigantic extended family recapping the very best of GGNs last five Thanksgiving specials. Before you spend all day tomorrow defending your work ethic to your grandfather and sneaking off with cousins to get lit, check in with Snoop, T. I., Bishop Magic Don Juan, Luenell, Devin the Dude, Margaret Cho and more as the rotating cast breaks down the lessthanappetizing origins of our annual fowl feast, discuss sex, politics and religion, and of course, pass the dutchie until someone passes out. So sit back,