The Bear The Hare
The John Lewis Christmas campaign has become a symbol of the start of the British Christmas season, and Hornet is proud to present The Bear The Hare, Yves Geleyns heartwarming animated film for John Lewis and Adam Eve DDB. There once was an animal who had never seen Christmas. As autumn winds turn to winter snow, the bear begins his annual retreat into hibernation to sleep his way through the best part of the year. The festive spirit is strong though, and his friend the hare is determined to give him a gift he has never received before Christmas. This is a classic Christmas tale in the John Lewis tradition, but the scale of the project and the innovative combination of animated techniques involved in creating it are unprecedented. The marriage of traditional handdrawn 2D animation with stopframe model animation creates a tangible world full of texture and detail that conveys the honesty behind the John Lewis Christmas message. Newsletter Signup: Like: Fol