Quad Exercises Ranked ( BEST TO WORST )
60 off all AX programs Subscribe to this channel here There are so many quad exercises, but which ones should you be focusing your efforts on if you want to build bigger quads and increase your strength In this video, Im going to give you the most popular quad exercises ranked from worst to best and help you to determine which you should be doing and which you can probably ditch. With that said, we have to lay out the criteria for the quad exercise selections. These are in the video. Furthermore, if there is a steep learning curve to the movement or it is too equipment reliant then it may mot rank as high as some other options that are better and also dont require as many resources. With that being said, we start laying out the list and work our way up the rankings from the worst chest exercise to the best chest exercise. WORST 1. Sissy Squat 2. Smith Machine Squats The sissy squat is one of the