The Botvinnik System English Opening Theory
Learn the Botvinnik System It s easy to learn and play, it gives white great positions with simple strategic plans, good attacking chances, more space and limited options for black. The Botvinnik System is an amazing weapon to add to your repertoire (as I discovered myself recently). It almost seems like a secret weapon you can play against any g6 setup players. Whenever they try a KID type of position, you re ready with easy plans and an attack that s hard to prevent. Watch the introduction to the English Opening first if you haven t yet The PGN with all the Botvinnik System variations is available on 00:00 Part 1: Introduction to the Botvinnik System 10:08 Part 2: King s Indian position (black plays g6, d6, c5) 24:50 Part 3: Black plays g6, d6 e5 New chess merch : More Merch on weird stuff like pillows: https