Dajjals Jinn Will Use Time Travel, Deja Vu, Snake Serpent Symbolism, Sufi Meditation Center
Q A Chapters : 00:12 Allah (AJ) is nearer the jugular vein, then why do we need intercession 06:32 Can Nadi Ali (as) be recited by anyone 08:39 What is the reality of good and bad dragons Why is Satan sometimes referred to as a dragon 11:42 Is it possible to raise the frequency of others by sending good thoughts and visions to them 15:55 What is the reality of meditating while listening to different sound frequencies 18:27 Can anyone wear the Naqshbandi taweez (prayer for protection) 19:13 Should we be concerned if we re using 5G phones 21:13 What is the reality of intuition and Déjà vu 27:59 Is there a way to identify who is your friend and who is pretending to be your wellwisher Related Links : Don t Miss out on : A Timeless Reality Ancient Wisdoms of the Soul and Meditation :