British Movie 18+ House of Whipcord
About a week later, after the day s business was complete, Selene strode into Risa s dimension with a bluegray female catfolk at her heel. The drow still carried herself with a confidence that suggested that absolutely nothing was out of the ordinary despite there being a new person beside her that she never so much as mentioned to anyone. The cat, however, was looking around herself with amazed curiosity slightly masked by timidness. A Look briefly passed between them before they entered the main door of the dimension mansion. The catgirl shyly slipped her hand into Selene s, who accepted the affectionate gesture without comment. Then they entered the mansion and began making their way to the library. Caleldir blinked to see a new person with Selene joining him in the library. He had seen a few catfolk around, but his first and only interaction with them was during that Incident that Hael yss was being punished for when a few of them had been told to participate. They had been much