Much stirring vs. Little stirring Acrylic pour Painting with Silicone oil
Much stirring vs. little stirring everything is the same, only the stirring of silicone oil is different what happens to your cells in the picture You can see it in this Pouring video. Some time ago, I had already created a comparison video. At that time it was about to stirring the silicone oil in the acrylic paint or just to drip on the paint. There were two very different pictures, the video you can find here: Now I want to show you what happens when you just little stirring the silicone oil into the paint or just more intense and longer. Since I assume that you have already seen the video, before you continue reading here I would like to briefly discuss the result with you. Personally, I like the right image more, it is not as restless as the left image, and the cells are much larger than on the left side. This is due to the brief stirring in of the silicone oil. If you stir in the oil quickly, it spreads very much in color and can almost no longer form large cells,