Pink Floyd Time Intro with Rototoms
The Rototoms were mic ed from the rear and run through a board with some added reverb. I had to use 8 Roto s to be able to cover all the notes used for this intro. They are from low to high E3, F, 3, A3, B3, C, 4, E4, F, 4, A4. The way I arranged them was for no special reason other than this is how Nick Mason had an 8 rototom set up in one of the very few pics I could find of his kit with rotos. Roto sizes are from left to right top row: 8, 6, 6, 6, 8. The bottom row from left to right are 10, 12, 10. Finding each note was a little tedious as there is limited information on the notes used for this intro on the Dark Side recording. As a matter of fact what info I did find was that they only had 2 Rotos in the studio at the time and had to lay several tracks while retuning the toms to cover all of the different notes. In the setup I have, the notes are as follows from left to right on the top row: B3, E4, A4, F, 4, C, 4 and from left to right on the bottom row: F, 3, E3, A3. The heart beat is just a deep