Slayer Postmortem, Raining Blood ( Guitar Cover)
Oh man, this was quite a task putting all together but Im very proud of this Postmortem is hands down for me Slayers best song (not to mention probably their hardest on guitar I think) so it seemed a no brainer to make this my next cover but then I why stop there So here we go The last 2 songs off of one of the most ferocious albums ever made Hope you enjoy it as much as I did making SLAYER , slayer, rainingblood, guitarcover Check out my bands Secreum Deep Throat Trauma Sewer Trench Follow me on Instagram deanohc Twitter deanocoldham Signal chain: Jackson Monarkh Kemper Powerhead (Marshall JCM800 03 profile) Line 6 UX2 Pod Farm Cubase Elements 8. ALSO FEATURED Dean Razorback Slimebolt Jackson Warrior Woodstock ukelele Recorded on iPho