Music has a huge potential. Studies show that music can change a person s mood and behavior, as well as change a number of processes occurring in the body. That s why the soothing effects of music are so important in our fast, sometimes chaotic world. The potential of meditation is no less. With its help, you can achieve clarity, inner balance and calmness. And when these two worlds, music and meditation, come together, your whole life can change for the better. Listening to soothing music has a positive impact on both meditation and life in general. And before we take a closer look at all the pros and benefits, let s first discuss the definitions and clarify what exactly we mean by the phrase music for meditation. I would be very grateful if you would visit my channel and subscribe to it. There is a lot of interesting and useful content there If you liked this video, we will be very grateful to you for likes, reposts, comments and most importantly for subscribing