Abraham Laboriel Sr. Quiet Space Ft. Abraham Laboriel Jr. Mateo Laboriel (2014 Alumni Reunion)
Moscow Drum Community DRUMROOM , drumroom, drumroomtulskaya, drumroomelektrozavod Abraham Laboriel Sr. performs Quiet Space along with Abraham Laboriel Jr. and Mateo Laboriel at the 2014 Alumni Reunion Concert (Bring it Back to Berklee) in the Berklee Performance Center. Quiet Space (M. Laboriel) Abraham Laboriel Sr. : vocals, bass Abraham Laboriel Jr. : drums Mateo Laboriel: guitar Jetro Da Silva: piano Recorded live in the Berklee Performance Center Ed Liberatore: house sound Mariana Migliore: lighting Zach DiMeglio: spot Alden Marchand: spot Matt SanGiovanni: stage crew Justin Vin